Saturday, April 30, 2011

Attrib Restore Hiden File Used Command

For setting file attributes can use attrib command would only direct me to the Star-> run type command entered in a new DOS prompt execute DOS command magic. This is how to view hidden files.

1. If flash in the folder g: then to see the whole file, type g: \> dir *.*
     here 2 ga suspected file remains visible
If flash in the folder g: it is to see hidden files type g: \> dir / a
     deh new tersebumi 2 files that look
3. after appearing in the above two files to change the file attribute'll look to use way
     g: \> attrib-r-a-s-h g: \ autorun.inf / s
     g: \> attrib-r-a-s-h g: \. vbs / s

4. Check with dir / a, after appear 2 file, delete a manner 

5. g: \> del autorun.inf 
     g: \> del *. vbs

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Online Investment

Confidence factor is still a barrier for consumers in conducting transactions online, or known as e-commerce. So the payment is still dominated by physical

payment method and transfer.This was submitted by (IDBYTE). According to a former CEO, from his experience during 15 years as a technopreneur, there is fear because of the way online consumers will not be encountered seller directly.

However, he said, the sense of lack of consumer confidence could be due to the absence of regulation and the circulation of negative stories in the online trading community. "That perhaps we have to do is create its positive side too," he explained.

According to him, if an online company has been using the trusted e-commerce side, should the public have to believe. "Because they should have already protects all that,".

Currently, the government through the Ministry of Commerce is preparing the related rules of e-commerce industry. For this, he states the existing rules from

other countries that could be used as a reference, so no need to compile from scratch, which can be time consuming. "Actually from neighboring countries have a lot yes.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Business Opportunities

The conflict has no effect on exports of agricultural products during the government still controls or not to raise prices of domestic fuel oil. Meanwhile, the conflict in Cote Ganding is expected to affect exports of agricultural products, especially chocolate.

Deputy Minister of Agriculture declared the matter to reporters after opening the events on campus during the Young Farmers.

He explained that the conflict can indeed affect the price of fuel is high. If high fuel prices, then it does indirectly affect food prices. First, it will cause the price of costly fertilizers because fertilizer raw materials, among others, of gas, whose price is affected by fuel prices. Second, it affects the cost of transportation. If fuel goes up, then the transportation cost is high.

"It did not happen because our fuel prices are still guarded government. However, internationally, when we do export and others, this will affect the cost of fuel," said Bayu.

However, on the other hand, the increase in world fuel prices this gives a positive effect, ie increase in the price of biofuels. "The rise of biofuels is the opportunity our business, particularly palm oil, as demand will escalate," he said.

Seeing the conflict, more broadly, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture said it was trying to look positively to the conflict in Ivory Coast, Africa, as the largest supplier of cocoa or chocolate world.

"Conflict in there to make the country not to export brown at all. This makes the potential and opportunities are very wide-open brown. This is what we are trying to try to take advantage of the opportunity," he said.

State plans to increase ekspor.Berencana increase agricultural exports. Cocoa is one of the agricultural products which are very likely to increase exports.

Exports of oil products would be enhanced by applying good policies for biofuels, which require environmental aspects of sustainability. "We produce one to two million tonnes of CPO, which is grown sustainably," he said.

Youth is made up of farmers and students as well as 110 non-commissioned officer community builder (Babinsa) who served in West Java. These young men will get the knowledge and agricultural training for four days, ie 6 to 9 April 2011.

"We Arm Babinsa with insight and knowledge so that when agriculture with farmers, they can be a companion of farmers in increasing agricultural production. It is also a concern in realizing food security community," he said.

Whether Deflation

At the end of the month of April 2011 there is still potential for deflation as happened in March 2011. That is possible because the prices of goods and services tend to decline since the first week of April 2011. "April is still there is potential deflation because the first week is still continuing decline in prices. There is one comfort that occurred in March and April.

Leisure on the price of goods with two conditions. First, the decline in rice prices would still create the price of grain at farm level is still above the Government Purchase Price (HPP). This means that low inflation as prices of rice nationwide fell but prices received by farmers are still on top of HPP.

Second, in March and April 2011 ongoing strengthening of the rupiah. Concerns that the strengthening of the rupiah will push down exports due to the competitiveness of Indonesian exports was not terjadi.Menunjukkan in February to April now remain strong. "This means that exports were down fears did not materialize. Third, although the impact is not too big but the strengthening of the rupiah also give effect to the imported deflation".

Earlier, in March 2011 deflation of minus 0.32 percent, so that inflation of the calendar year from January to March 2011 recorded 0.70 percent. Deflation occurs because of the decline in commodity prices related to food.

Deflation occurs due to a decrease in volatile food or food prices, among others, on the commodity red chilli, rice, cayenne pepper and red onion.

Investment Prospects

Improved design and ongoing campaign will be to boost the competitiveness of rattan furniture in domestic production. Design products that are more creative and innovative targeted importers able to attract buying interest in the world market.

The success of promotions and design improvements were mainly expected by thousands of artisans in the center of rattan products. Since the government opened the taps exports of raw rattan out of the country in 2005, a total of 320 rattan mills from 511 mills out of business.

"The policy also resulted in about 1,600 small businesses struggling because rattan flower products less competitive in world markets. Exports of rattan raw materials to make other countries, like China and Vietnam, freely made finished products,"

Formerly these countries only get half-finished goods from Indonesia. More than 80 percent of the world rattan raw materials in Indonesia. "When people talk about the cane, they must refer to Indonesia. Now, it turned around, talking rattan, it means talking about China,".

Since early 2011, a number of initiatives have been taken by the government to revive the rattan business. Asmindo among others in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry to participate in various exhibitions at home and abroad. During the year the scheduled five exhibitions at home and abroad, including in Germany, Spain, the United States, and China.

At the exhibition in Germany, last February, 12 rattan factory in Indonesia were involved. Most participants are exporters of Cirebon. "There, we were introduced to two design professor from Germany who gives knowledge of the design. The two experts will be involved in the development of rattan product design.

Related to design development, mostly artisans and exporters have been prepared. Small craftsmen who usually receives a contract claim from the factory was partially ready.

Not to dare

so far it used to accept orders from overseas product design. "The buyer or importer come alone bring a chair or table design drawings as they wish," he said.

However, rattan craftsmen not fully dare to innovate the design and shape of the finished product. They worry that the product with an unusual design that would not sell in the market. "We follow market trends, such as by making products from synthetic materials. It is in vogue market. If we make other, worry not sold," he said.

Head of Industry Office of Industry and Trade points out, the sustainability of rattan business in the region is vital for the improvement of community welfare. More than 50,000 people rely on rattan business, ranging from craftsmen to porters and drivers containers.

Meanwhile, business is now increasingly dim rattan which is marked by a decrease in export volume. Prior to 2005, 3000 rattan product export containers per month. That figure is now down to 1,200 containers per month.

Family Business

Title of the article above is very disturbing to my mind, who want to entrepreneurship lately. How could I not? because my family does not have business. wah continue this how? indeed a dilemma, but if I may comment on the question above, I certainly did not forget how Sampoerna was built. Up to generation Putra Sampoerna company still exist and continue to grow. However, lately also Sampoerna off nearly half of its shares for sale to Philip Morris. What's wrong with the family business?

When viewed from the standpoint of business, the family businesses tend to continue the same kind of business, the result will someday be a big shocks in the company, perhaps because one or more measures taken by the owner. Meanwhile, to undergo the kind of business as a successor to assume greater responsibility. This is because the product or brand that is formed as if no longer be a corporate responsibility but the responsibility of the successor and the company is not an individual but a collection of people residing in it. However, the burden will be created by itself, usually due to environmental factors.

how to build a business from scratch? deh do not be afraid if we take the risk! the burden is certainly not to continue or maintain a business but started from scratch again and not guarantee that business can survive, as we do business is waiting for an answer ....

nah about this? we have a family business but would like to widen the types of businesses that exist. Wow, that is I think just as difficult to build a business from scratch, because of what? Because what? because the first business usually has to be "top of mind" in the minds of consumers and the consumer will be very difficult to accept the fact that these types of business success.

how the Really? a bener ya continue to learn and know the environment well, because consumers are now more intelligent vote.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Businesses Need to Work Hard

Doing business is hard work, if you need to start from the bottom. It's also what makes culinary effort into advanced as now.
Lake Seafood Restaurant managed by Rully and his family is known as one of the most crowded place to eat. In addition to serving great food, the atmosphere in this restaurant was so spacious and comfortable.
Doing business like this culinary initially not chosen profession. continue the restaurant business that has been cultivated by the parents.
"Somehow I was not too happy with the results of a successful business from the people above us. I am more inclined to like art, hard work in pioneering the business, and starting from the bottom.
"Yes, there just might be, successful people who have a rich kid by nature. Indeed, baseball is wrong, but if I personally prefer starting with the grassroots," he added.
A dozen years he pursue this field to a point, he finally decided to go into business shakers tongue. "We were five brothers in the house finally fell all the helping hands of the business. All five of the work involved and lend a hand.
The result is more or less can be seen up to now. In total there were three restaurants.
Over the past been in the culinary business, so keep the quality of service and food served. It's not easy for him to hand over responsibility to others to think and spawn ideas as wished. As a result, one still frequently intervene up to face the demands of consumers directly.
Never delegate the management of Lake Seafood this to several managers. What can I say, the results were less satisfactory. He then took back control of this restaurant central. "I really coordinate with my brother and sister in the management of restaurants. Starting from the concept of architecture, presentation, and service," he said.
Architectural concept he made with the concept of a combination of traditional and modern. very intensive discussions with siblings about the concept and quality of food home.
In managing and management, all three restaurants are managed by a partner and not a franchise system. With this system, can continue to maintain standards of quality and service.
The same concept applies to restaurant established for the work with investors. Special restaurant, he and his family manage their own affairs ranging from kitchen to restaurant management.